Talks and workshops
Examples of some of the talks and workshops on offer
Subjects range from discussion of women in the Roman world, mothers and mad emperors, Hannibal and his elephants through to spinning, weaving, and wool in the Classical world.
History Talks:
Women of the 2nd Triumvirate
Claudia Octavia, Step-sister and Wife to Emperor Nero
Images and Imagination' for the Roman Society
Agrippina the Elder & Emperor Tiberius
Gladiators & Roman Social identity
A Boy and his Mum: Agrippina & Nero
Elephants are God: Hannibal and the Second Punic War
Other topics on Roman women, on sport & leisure in the Roman world, &c negotiable
Spinning and Weaving Talks:
You Spin Me Right ‘Round - Spinning And Weaving in the Roman World
Sheep & wool in the Classical world
"She spun well": Roman women spinning, weaving, & making wool'
Other topics negotiable - history of spinning, history of knitting, spinning & weaving in the Classical world, &c.
Spinning off the point: an introduction to charkhas and cotton spinning (max 6)
A small fee to cover costs of the fibres; participants should have access to a spindle wheel (charkha or similar)
Introduction to (top whorl) hand spindles (max 10)
A beginner’s workshop on working with top whorl hand spindles. A small fee to cover costs of providing the hand spindles and wool supplies. We’ll talk about technique, but also about the historical practice of hand-spinning on a spindle.

For more information
For talks and workshops, please contact me on