A month in Rome to work and study at the British School at Rome - excellent tonic. I am at work on a book for Liverpool University Press, and my writing goal for the month was to produce a working draft of the entire manuscript. Hard graft with 8-10 hours a day on library days, but goal was met. I wrote my five chapters (the remainder of the book is an annotated translation), and then turned them into word clouds. Guess what Chapter 4 is about.

To celebrate, I bought a pink beret, as you do.
Days off were spent having adventures.
A few afternoons were spent at the Torre Argentina Cat Sanctuary. I sponsor a cat there, a big ginger boy called Strabone. Quality time with him and his pals in the nursery, where the special-needs cats live.

(photo (c) Christine Martin 2024)
Flea markets & Sundays -- I found beautiful hat pins for my collection (and hats!) as well as a 1920s enamel etui.

And of course, the Caput Mundi.
I love the Forum, and my hunt this time was looking for board games that have been scratched into the steps and pavements of public buildings.

Another day out was in Ostia -- very quiet at this time of year -- it's always very quiet out there, but I had the theatre all to myself at one point. A little hair-raising, as a public transport strike started whilst I was out there, and it was a bit of a challenge getting back to Rome.

A walk down the Via Appia with a couple of colleagues -- we walked from the start of the road at the Circus Maximus down to the airport -- about 17km. It was full dark the last hour, so of course we told ghost stories.

And some ninja spinning...

Very busy and productive month <3

Follow the whole month's adventures on my Instagram @AugustaAtrox