Day 21 - appropriately green ahead of our annual viewing of The Thing (it is, after all, the first day of winter in this hemisphere, anyway!)

A blend of Shetland, South American Merino ('they practically own South America'), viscose and trilobal nylon. It all drafts really well and makes a nice tweedy yarn.
Spindle of the day is a daelgan, a whorl-less spindle traditionally associated with Scotland.
A little side-eye 'You have got to be f'ing kidding me' from Tiny Toast here. We're all John Carpenter fans in this household.
Day 22 - Home stretch with Day 22 - a blend of rose fibre, Blue-faced Leicester, Shetland, and bio-nylon in pink, white, and yellow.

Another old French spindle today -- I was lucky to find one that had a metal cap in good condition (sometimes they're really rusty, or they're permanently stuck on the spindle.) The object was, you'd have several of the stubby spindles, and one sturdy spiral cap to use on all of them.
Tiny Toast prefers to sleep most days with her head in a bag, and she's exhausted this afternoon after a busy morning wrecking the tree as quickly as it could be fully decorated. A furry Godzilla meets the Roman empire motif.
Day 23 - another all-sorts blend -- Shetland, New Zealand, Bamboo, South American, and viscose.

Wooden support spindle I've had for a long time, wood and maker unknown. I really like the decoration on the whorl.
Mr Biggie isn't in the photo, but these are the few where he didn't bump my hand, anyway.
Christmas Eve
@worldofwoolteam whipped up a luxury blend for #christmaseve. Ultrafine Merino, camel, yak, and cashmere.

I usually pick a spindle after I see what the fibre of the day will be, but today I had planned to the use the chonky boi that you see in the background of the second photo -- that was my first spindle and the one I first learned to spin with, before I got my wheel.
However, with this blend, a heavy spindle isn't the best because this blend of fine down fibre wants to be spun finely -- so a tahkli it is! This is a supported spindle used traditionally to spin cotton, but I use tahklis and my charkhas for any fine fibres -- cashmere, cat, qiviut, and vicuna (I actually have a precious smidge of the latter <3).
This is a John Galen tahkli.
I will probably spin this up on one of my charkhas to be honest.
Tiny Toast had faceplanted in the fibre in the nanosecond it took me to fluff it out of the bag and get the camera. Most of it is underneath her, and she's purring her head off.
Christmas Day
Day 25....and relax. A bonus bit of fluff for the big day, I suppose. Merino, Shetland, and Tussah silk.

Whilst I have loads more spindles, today's is my first-ever spindle, and the one I learnt to spin on. Unknown maker or wood, clunky as heck, but one I can't part with.